I'm going to be completely honest, I have little to no experience in the world of wine. I used to hate it, but recently have been enlightened and wish to learn much more about this delicious beverage that the almighty grape has provided for us. Thus far I am overall more partial to red wines than I am of white wines, but that doesn't mean I don't like it! You'll rarely find me an alcoholic beverage that I don't enjoy (other than vodka...don't know why).
It's actually kind of amazing to me how many different variations of wine there are. How can one fruit manage to be so diverse? This is definitely one thing that I hope to get out of class other than learning how to taste and rate wine. The actual process is very interesting to me, and I know it will help me appreciate the wines I taste much more. I also hope to learn what wines taste best with certain foods. I hear that fancy talk all of the time in movies and occasionally at restaurants, and it'd be nice to actually understand what the hell they're talking about.
Up until now I've only had a glass of wine maybe once a month at best, but I expect that to change very soon. Only during rare occasions with family had I decided to have a glass in order to "look older" around them. At first no wine tasted good to me at all, but I had the same experience with beer. Why should this be any different? It's an alcoholic drink and on the whole is actually good for me! Remember though, I am very new, so don't expect me to tell you the accent the wine gives off from its aroma...yet...but I'll be honest and let you know if I like it or not!